Monday 6 July 2009

Tigers In Space

This business about Angus Burton getting interested in science and wanting to be an econaut is GETTING OUT OF HAND. He now tells us that "space" would be A HAPPY PLACE TO LIVE because you CANNOT CRY IN SPACE. This is because THERE IS NO GRAVITY AND TEARS CANNOT FLOW as they might do on earth. Apparently you can produce tears in space but they LEAVE THE EYE AND FLOAT AROUND. Ram and I would be MORE IMPRESSED if ANGUS BURTON put the SAME ENERGY into EARTHLY MATTERS than coming up with what he things are STUNNING FACTS like this. Anyway the BIG NEWS IS that Indian wildlife authorities have taken THREE BENGAL TIGERS BY HELICOPTER to an EMPTY RESERVE IN RAJASTHAN in an attempt to REVIVE THE COUNTRY'S FLAGGING TIGER POPULATION. (We are hoping that the tigers WERE NOT DISTRESSED by having to fly in a helicopter because it is NOT SOMETHING THEY WOULD BE USED TO. Apparently, like STANLEY JOHNSON'S concerns about GORILLAS - (see earlier blog) tigers have nearly been WIPED OUT. Angus Burton has suggested flying the tigers out to a SPACE STATION as there is NO SUCH THING as an ECO POACHER and they could BREED SAFELY IN SPACE and live HAPPILY EVER AFTER.

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