Sunday 6 September 2009

Mozart And Quaking Cat

Eco Warriors are GREAT ADVOCATES of FAIR TREATMENT FOR ANIMALS particularly as THEY CAN SENSE DANGER much more quickly than humans.Which is why we are impressed with recent developments to help PETS IN TIMES OF EARTHQUAKES.

The latest CHARLIE TANNER 'EBE' AWARD* (see earlier blog) goes to the Japanese manufacturer who has invented EARTHQUAKE PACKS FOR PETS. Angus Burton is KEEN TO GET HIS HANDS ON ONE for his obese dog, Henry VIII. He says Henry VIII "DIDN'T HAVE A CLUE WHAT TO DO" when his kennel vibrated like our houses did in 2008. He only settled down when Angus played MOZART'S PIANO MUSIC. That earthquake measured 5.2 ON THE RICHTER SCALE and one man was taken to hospital after a CHIMNEY COLLAPSED AND FELL THROUGH HIS BEDROOM ROOF.

Anyway THE HINAN JACKET, as the earthquake pack is called, includes a PADDED JACKET and RAIN HAT and SPECIAL BOOTS TO PROTECT PAWS. Each kit also comes with a waterproof capsule holding details of the pet's address and a SPECIAL AROMATHERAPY OIL to sooth frightened animals. They expect to SELL LIKE HOT CAKES (or molten rock) in places like LOS ANGELES that has had more than its FAIR SHARE OF QUAKES. My friend RAM says he CANNOT SEE how these packs can AID THE HELPLESS GOLDFISH. He has a point. Angus thinks the pack should also include an IPOD with HEADPHONES so that pets can RELAX WITH MUSIC like Mozart's.

Speaking of Mozart, it has been RECORDED IN HISTORY that when he was EIGHT YEARS OLD Mozart was tested by the ROYAL SOCIETY to find out whether he was really a BRILLIANT CHILD PROTEGE or a TALENTED DWARF. The tester eventually announced Mozart was INDEED A CHILD when, IN FULL CONCERTO MODE, he became DISTRACTED by a cat that DARTED ACROSS the room.

What it not recorded in history is whether that DARTING CAT had sensed an IMPENDING VIENNESE EARTHQUAKE and through his DISTRACTING ACTIONS saved a BRILLIANT COMPOSER whose PRECOCIOUS TALENT would prove to be soothing during times of national disasters.

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