Friday 8 May 2009

Boris The Candle

There has been an interesting development re Boris and his plans for London. I am not sure if he had LAND CONSERVATION in mind when he came up with the idea of building a RESIDENTIAL BRIDGE ACROSS THE THAMES but it seemed to me to be quite a GOOD IDEA. Of course ANGUS BURTON thinks it's a huge joke and that IT WOULD NEVER BE POSSIBLE to build houses, flats, offices and shops on a GIANT BRIDGE - he says it would CREAK UNDER THE STRESS and it would ONLY BE A MATTER OF TIME before the whole lot crashed into the Thames and the RESULTING SINKING would make the TITANIC look like a DOLPHIN FLIP . Then he said it might cause a TSUNAMI and everyone would be screaming for Noah to SAVE THEIR PETS. Angus Burton has no sense.

Anyway the other news about Boris is that there is a GIANT WAXWORK of him in MADAM TUSSARDS. He "walked around himself" and said he didn't realise how fat he was. I have a plan. To SAVE ELECTRICITY in TRAFALGAR SQUARE and to light up NELSON'S COLUMN I suggest that they thread a GIANT WICK through the the Boris waxwork and we could have a GIANT BORIS CANDLE. This would be another great TOURIST ATTRACTION.

There is more news to come of Angus Burton's nits.

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