Sunday 3 May 2009

Two Nelsons Rock The Boat

On Friday my friend Ram gave a five minute class talk about HIS HERO. He said his hero was NELSON MANDELA. Angus Burton, the class clown, thought this was the Nelson that sailed about on ships and ONLY HAD ONE ARM and a girlfriend called JOSEPHINE.

Ram didn't seem distracted by this because he is TOO POLITE. Ram said that Nelson Mandela spent TWENTY SEVEN YEARS IN PRISON because he UPSET THE AUTHORITIES IN SOUTH AFRICA. This was at the time of apartheid which means that people were separated because of the COLOUR OF THEIR SKIN. When Nelson Mandela was released he campaigned for everyone to be friends with each other and became the first BLACK PRESIDENT OF SOUTH AFRICA. Ram said that to many people Nelson Mandela has become a symbol of FREEDOM AND EQUALITY and has received over ONE HUNDRED AWARDS including the NOBEL PEACE PRIZE. Angus Burton said THAT WAS IMPRESSIVE.

Ram said that he would like to HOLD PUBLIC OFFICE one day. This is MUSIC TO MY EARS as I am sure he would like to replace bendy buses with elephants from Botswana and would MAKE HIS OWN SANDWICHES and not buy IMPORTS FROM NORWAY. Ram and I could not believe our eyes when we saw an empty sandwich wrapper which said "imported from Norway". Ram is a Hindu and does not eat meat or fish because he is a VEGETARIAN so he would have to have EGG SANDWICHES not ones made with ICELANDIC SALMON. Tomorrow will be my talk - and it will not be about Boris Johnson although he is a hero in the making.

There is much talk about whether Boris will be Prime Minster one day. He said he had more chance of being "decapitated by a frisbee."

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